What Can You Cook Tonight?: Delicious Lamb Curry Main Course and Fruit Ice Cream Dessert

You might be wondering what you can have for dinner tonight, well you are in luck! In this article we are going to share with you a 2 course meal that you can make right now with your TOKIT Omni Cook. We will share with you everything you need to make this 2 course meal as tasty as possible.
Tasty Seasoning For Pre-Cooking
Before you start off a tasty curry, you want to ensure you have a top quality blend of spices to make the dish extra tasty.
Over at our TOKIT Youtube Channel which has the perfect Spice Blend recipe for a Lamb Curry Dish, this includes the ingredients and step by step guide on how to make it with your TOKIT Omni Cook. Go over and watch our video to find out for yourself how tasty it can make your dish: https://youtu.be/P2Hf6JF0zsY
Something For Your Main Course
Next we are going to show you how to use the Spice Blend you have just made to make a very delicious Kashmiri Lamb Curry. A Curry with just the right balance of flavours and ideal for a low hassle dinner party.
This recipe is also over at our TOKIT Youtube Channel so go over and watch our video to find out for yourself how tasty it can make your dish. Just remember to grab some fresh coriander and basmati rice for the best experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8sPnYucjX0
Something For Desert
After you have completed your main course, you will want to top off your meal with a delicious dessert. Luckily the TOKIT Omni Cook can make a variety of different Fruit Ice Creams.
Here is the video on our Youtube Channel on how to make the Ice Cream with your TOKIT Omni Cook so you can try for yourself: https://youtu.be/x0KYFpXr3Js
We have a variety of many more recipes for you to try over at our Youtube Channel for every occasion and for everyone's tastes. With an ever expanding library of recipes that we make available, we suggest you go and check it out today by clicking the Youtube Channel.
Updated on Oct,19